Add support for Simulator
[] is a simulator geared toward System on Chips and testing. The set of supports boards can be viewed in the source code at This ticket can turn into multiple projects. The first type of project is testing support for existing BSPs which have hardware support.
- Find a board supported by that has a corresponding BSP.
- Develop support for the RTEMS Tester to run RTEMS tests on that.
- Ensure this simulator can be run without a GUI
- If needed, provide patches for the RTEMS BSP and/or
- It may be necessary to add a BSP variant for if there are small differences that need to be accounted for at BSP build time.
An alternative project is writing a BSP for a simulation that does not yet have an RTEMS BSP.
In either case, once a specific BSP and simulation configuration has been identified, a new ticket for that specific work should be created. The size of the project depends on how well the BSP works on the simulator at the starting point. For example, leon3 is claimed to work very well so the focus would be just on RTEMS Tester configuration and support.
This ticket is a general description of multiple projects related to and RTEMS. The size of any specific project for a BSP would vary based on what is required to be done. Scoping the effort for support for a specific BSP/hardware combination should be part of the project proposal.
Possible Mentors: Alan Cudmore, Gedare Bloom Skills: C Difficulty: Medium
Some work was done on this in GSoC'23. See the student's final report to see what progress has been made, and what remains to be done.